Before Video Games | Hanafuda by Nintendo

Art and Design from my childhood is a major inspiration of mine, I will be sharing some of these with you all.

Did you know that before Nintendo pioneered video games, they used to make playing cards. These traditional playing cards from the 1800s are called "Hanafuda", which translates into "Flower Cards". They were originally hand painted onto Mulberry tree bark and popular with Yakuza who would gamble with them. Although mass produced nowadays, the cards are far thicker than regular playing cards which gives them a luxury feel.

We had a set when I was a kid. I can't remember how to play but I do have fond memories - I loved the art work and would just line up the cards to stare at the drawings. I really wish I still had them!


About Natalie Ex Design Studio

Hello, my name is Nat. Iā€™m a qualified and experienced Illustrator and Graphic Designer in Melbourne. I have a Bachelor of Visual Communication Design and over 18 years of industry experience in illustration, graphic design and digital marketing.

The trademark Natalie Ex aesthetic is a playful and polished clean line style, inspired by my half Japanese upbringing.

Check out my portfolio here and say hello!